Thanks a lot to @Amy for this great article!

First thing that came to my mind: The basic feeling I had as a Product Manager and sometimes still have, now that I am leading Product and Marketing: Pushing back extensively felt like being a nay-sayer. And the only way out for me was to discuss business outcome and strategic options instead of arguing over prioritization and functionality. That aligns very well with your “Use Data, not just passion” slogan! But you first have to learn to do that. Sometimes management will force detailed discussion - you can only survive that by focusing on positively formulated proposals instead of smashing ideas - a proposal can be approved, a No will provoke another round of discussion.

To quote a former superior: "Majorities are formed before the meeting"

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Great point to focus on business outcomes when pushing back. Thank you for a thoughtful addition!

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Thanks for sharing this great article!

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Keep driving results!

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