The Long Game in Product Management - follow up story
The power of patience in reaching long-term goals
What happened after writing a recent Product Management IRL article? These insights are for premium subscribers to Product Management IRL.
This week’s backstory is about a recent article on strategies for reaching career goals:
What Prompted this Article?
A product manager contacted me on LinkedIn asking about my promotion a year ago. I wrote this article after speaking to him about my steps to a promotion in product management. The summary is:
Think about readiness for the next level
- Learn the skills needed for the next level
Operate at the next level
- lead a project with senior people
- build up business acumen
- practice time management
Build relationships at the next level
- side projects to meet new people
- communicate the big picture
The theme is being patient while you show that you are ready for the next level.
I skipped writing about pursuing outside opportunities.
What Happened After this Article?
I have pushed myself to follow this advice:
continuous learning - shared in articles in this newsletter
work at the next level - practicing coaching and delegation
build relationships with peers of my boss - new stories to come
Doing these things has provided a lot of growth opportunities. I don’t have time to think about outside opportunities.
Stay or Go at a Career Plateau?
I wonder if I could grow faster in another organization.