Dealing with a self-managed product team - follow up story
Lucky product managers working with self-sufficient teams
What happened after writing a recent Product Management IRL article? These insights are for premium subscribers to Product Management IRL.
This week’s backstory is about product management for self-sufficient product teams:
What Prompted this Article?
My product team is very nice but they don’t want a product manager. They prefer to handle all the product work themselves. They see no need for a roadmap - They’d rather respond to each customer request as it comes.
I wrote this article to describe what my self-managed product team appreciates from product managers. Hint - it isn’t much!
Here are the strategies in the article:
I wrote several ideas in the article to show value to the product team. These are the items valued by my product team:
incremental investment for new hires via a business case
generating a product overview for sales to use with potential customers
market and competitive update emails
Yes, the list is short!
My product team is very self-sufficient!
What Happened After this Article?
This is where this story gets interesting.