Your stakeholders want action on a new competitive threat this week. Last week a new customer with unique demands ordered your product. You are still adjusting to last month's re-org.
It's an unrelenting stream of changes and deadlines that need your attention!
How do you keep yourself from slipping into a big grumpy mess?
When you feel like you can't absorb any more change or requests on your attention, there are still steps you can take to preserve your optimism!
Step 1: Spot Your Grumpy Triggers
Fast-paced product teams have many initiatives and regular product lifecycle work underway. Changes and new requests interrupt the flow frequently. Often you don't notice that changes and requests have triggered irritation and negative feelings.
Product managers have learned to be resilient and automatically put optimism in their responses. These same product managers can shift from passionate to grumpy in the blink of an eye!
Some signs that you have slipped into grumpiness are:
Ruminating over something that happened in the past
Feeling angry
Doing negative self-talk
Struggling to concentrate on a task
When you see these subtle signs, you can pause to reflect on what flipped you into this negative state.
Many times product managers are frustrated by a combination of:
Resource shortages
Scope changes
High-pressure deadlines
Constant interruptions
Unclear expectations
Lack of influence
Most of the time these challenges are relishing. Occasionally these challenges make you grumpy.
Step 2: Being Productive When Grumpy
You might not know why you are grumpy. The good thing is you spotted the signs and you realize you are in a bad mood. It is okay if you can't quite put your finger on why you are irritated.
Now that you recognize that you are grumpy, how can you be productive? This is not the time to spread your bad mood to others! Withdrawing from your regular work can hurt others who are depending on your contribution.
Bad moods are short-lived and there are ways to be productive:
Show gratitude - there is usually something to be thankful for
Find something positive - speak optimistically about the situation no matter how angry you are
Focus on the future - if you focus on what you left behind you can never move forward
Taking these steps will get you back to your normal optimistic self.
Step 3: Embrace Challenges
Some stress comes from the inside.
A little stoicism can help shrug off frustrations in product management life. Becoming aware of triggers and the beginning of a bad mood can sometimes be headed off by examining the real impact of a challenge.
Some changes in your product environment can be extremely frustrating but they might not have any impact on your outcome. If you can still hit your results, then you might be able to rise above an irritating event.
Conclusion - Getting Through Tough Moments in Product Management
Becoming aware of your emotions and regulating yourself can prevent showing grumpiness to your co-workers. When you realize that you are in a bad mood, you can continue to be productive by thanking the team around you, communicating your optimism, and focusing on the future. Being a product manager with heart takes self-regulation and flexibility through the tough moments.
That title was everything!
A reminder that managing emotions is part of the product manager skill set. Thanks, Amy!